If you saw someone suffering from life-threatening bleeding following a motor vehicle accident, accidental injury, or act of violence, would you be able to keep them alive? After all, you are the help until help arrives.
Stop the Bleed is a national program sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security to train, equip, and empower bystanders to help in a bleeding emergency before professional responders arrive. That’s because the reality of present day involves not just the possibility of injury caused by a genuine accident, but also, sadly, the actions of an individual with ill intent. So, Stop the Bleed is described by medical community as having the same immediate lifesaving importance of knowing how to provide CPR on someone in cardiac arrest.
Why is this training so valuable? A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, therefore it is vital to quickly stop it as quickly as possible. Those nearest to someone with life threatening injuries are best positioned to provide first care. According to a recent National Academies of Science study, trauma is the leading cause of death for Americans under age 46. Sadly, events reported in the media all too regularly underscore how important such training can be needed anywhere, anytime.
This course is geared towards a wide array of individuals from differing backgrounds, skill levels, and ages. True North has taught this program to school districts, gun clubs, outdoor leaders, the general public (most with no prior medical training), and professional responders, including EMS, firefighters, and law enforcement.
True North is an authorized Stop the Bleed training center. It is an accredited provider of the Pennsylvania Department of Health so this program is approved for 1.5 hours of continuing-education credit for such emergency medical providers as EMR, EMT, Paramedics, and PHRN.